Maxwell Cfm - Your Trusted Facilities Management Consultancy in Malaysia


Your Trusted Facilities Management Consultancy

At Maxwell Cfm International,
we are committed to quality service.

Source: International Facility Management Association

The services provided by us are delivered by utilizing both internal provision and associates within out “Blue Ocean Strategy Systems” (“BOSS”). We strive to provide tailored services to the individual needs of our clients,  ensuring customer satisfaction and solution excellence. Our systems and methodologies are reviewed regularly, ensuring only the latest professional service to our clients.

Why Choose Us

At Maxwell Cfm we understand every inch of how the core business thinks, decides and puts ideas into action to ensure success. Driven by ISO41001 Facility Management Standard as a foundation for good management practices in FM, our methodologies are aligned with a client organisation’s strategies and objectives through the “Balance Scorecard” to generate the expected result for our clients.

Our Services

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Our Associates

Our Clientele

Facilities Management Consultancy Malaysia